Invited Talk at the TU Berlin and the Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt, Berlin, May 28, 2019 "High speed imaging and spectroscopy of X‐rays and particles with silicon detectors" |
Lothar Strüder |
Poster Presentation at the M & M Conference, Portland, OR, August 5, 2019 "Detection of low energy X-rays with high efficiency and spectral resolution" |
Stefan Aschauer |
Talk at the Denver X-ray Conference, Lombard, IL, August 6, 2019 "Detection of low energy X-rays with high efficiency and high spectral and position resolution" |
Lothar Strüder |
Talk at the ICXOM, Chicago, IL, August 8, 2019 "Detection of low energy X-rays with high efficiency and high spectral and spatial resolution" |
Lothar Strüder |
Invited Talk at the IHEP, Beijing, October 21, 2019 "High speed X-ray imaging and spectroscopy from 30 eV to 300 keV for synchrotron experiments" |
Lothar Strüder |
Talk at the IEEE NSS, Manchester, October 31, 2019 "A new spectroscopic imager for X-rays from 0.5 keV to 150 keV combining a fully depleted pnCCD coupled to a columnar CsI(Tl) scintillator with Fano limited energy resolution and deep subpixel spatial resolution" |
Dieter Schlosser |
Short Course at the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Manchester, October, 2019 "Detection and Measurement of Radiation" |
Lothar Strüder |
Invited Talk at the ESA Conference: 20 Years of XMM-Newton in Space, Madrid, December 10, 2019 "The pnCCD camera on XMM-Newton" |
Lothar Strüder |
Energy-dispersive Laue diffraction by means of a pnCCD detector coupled to a CsI(Tl) scintillator using ultra-hard X-ray synchrotron radiation J. Synchrotron Rad. (2019). 26, 1612-1620; DOI:10.1107/S160057751900626X |
M. Shokr, A. Tosson, A. Abboud, A. Algashi, D. Schlosser, R. Hartmann, M. Klaus, C. Genzel, L. Strüder and U. Pietsch |
News on Silicon Drift Detectors for High Resolution EDX Imaging and Spectroscopy Microscopy and Microanalysis, 25(S2), 516-517; DOI:10.1017/S1431927619003313 |
Adrian Niculae, Thiago Barros, Alois Bechteler, Robert Lackner, Kathrin Hermenau, Klaus Heizinger, Tristan Mönninghoff, Heike Soltau and Lothar Strüder |
Pushing the Measuring Capabilities of Silicon Drift Detectors for EDX Imaging of Low-Z Materials Down to Lithium Microscopy and Microanalysis, 25(S2), 1768-1769; DOI:10.1017/S1431927619009577 |
Adrian Niculae, Thiago Barros, Alois Bechteler, Kathrin Hermenau, Klaus Heizinger, Andreas Liebel, Heike Soltau and Lothar Strüder |
Detection of Low Energy X-rays with High Efficiency and Spectral Resolution Microscopy and Microanalysis, 25(S2), 272-273; DOI:10.1017/S1431927619002095 |
Lothar Strüder, Heike Soltau, Adrian Niculae, Stefan Aschauer, Robert Hartmann and Jeff Davies |
Qualification and Integration Aspects of the DSSC Mega-Pixel X-Ray Imager IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 1966-1975, Aug. 2019; DOI:10.1109/TNS.2019.2927421 |
K. Hansen, ..., S. Aschauer, L. Strüder, et al. |
EDLD-Tool: A real-time GPU-based tool to stream and analyze energy-dispersive Laue diffraction of BIG Data sets collected by a pnCCD Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 14, January 2019, P01008; DOI:10.1088/1748-0221/14/01/P01008 |
A. Tosson, M. Shokr, A. Abboud, Y. Bebawy, A. Algashi, R. Hartmann, M. Klaus, C. Genzel, L. Strüder and U. Pietsch |
Measuring Single Electrons – What Does it Mean? Microscopy and Microanalysis, 25(S2), 1654-1655; DOI:10.1017/S1431927619009000 |
Ryll, H., Huth, M., Ritz, R., O'Leary, C., Griffiths, I., Nellist, P., ... Strüder, L. |
Influence of distortions of recorded diffraction patterns on strain analysis by nano-beam electron diffraction Ultramicroscopy, ISSN: 0304-3991, Vol: 196, Page: 74-82; DOI:10.1016/j.ultramic.2018.09.010 |
Christoph Mahr, Knut Müller-Caspary, Robert Ritz, Martin Simson et al. |
Reduce Charging Effects on Beam Sensitive Material by Optimized Scanning Routines in SEM Microscopy and Microanalysis, 25(S2), 474-475; DOI:10.1017/S1431927619003106 |
Maximilian Schmid, Andreas Liebel, Friederike Michael, Grigore Moldovan and Heike Soltau |
Optimizing Workflow in Electron Microscopes with Fast BSE/STEM Diodes and Preamplifier Modules Microscopy and Microanalysis, 25(S2), 538-539; DOI:10.1017/S1431927619003428 |
Maximilian Schmid, Andreas Liebel and Heike Soltau |
Ultrafast Ptychography with 7500 Frames per Second Microscopy and Microanalysis, 25(S2), 40-41; DOI:10.1017/S143192761900093X |
Martin Huth, Robert Ritz, Colum M. O'Leary, Ian Griffiths, Peter Nellist and Heike Soltau |